This contains structure-based alignments for all the 5A structural sub-groups (SSGs) 
in CATH v4.3.

The files can be extracted with:

tar -zxvf cath_v4_3_0.ssg5.tgz

Some structural clusters are singletons, ie they only contain a single CATH domain. 
These will have a `*.reps` file, but no multiple structural alignment.

Clusters containing two or more structures should have 4 different files:

- `*.cora` - multiple structural alignment file (CORA format)
- `*.cora.fa` - multiple structural alignment file (FASTA format)
- `*.reps` - the CATH domain ids involved in the alignment
- `*.png` - a 2D representation of the alignment 

Note: the tarball was generated with the command

ssh rodan
cd /data/v4_3_0.staging/oracle-staging
find ssg_data/ -name "*__SSG5__*" \
    -and \( -name "*.png" -or -name "*.cora" -or -name "*.cora.fa" -or -name "*.reps" \) \
    -print0 \
    | xargs -0 tar zcvf cath_v4_3_0.ssg5.tgz